Sunday, July 11, 2010

Soul Eternal

Just a very quick post on this week's group gift from The White Armory... a beautiful gown titled Soul Eternal. The White Armory group is free to join, and every week, look for a different beautiful gown... just wear your group tag and click the group gift vendor near the lp!

Skin- Belleza past group gift (join fee)
Eyes- Poetic Colors Free, but color will vary.
Hair- Amacci- Sophia in Henna (not free)
Necklace- Star Kindler Past hunt cheapie
Dress- The White Armory Group Gift

Pose by Long Awkward Pose
Taken in Gaslight in front of Urban Forge's Bel Cottage, available for purchase

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Newbie Style Challenge

Every so often, I enjoy creating a new avatar. I guess it is kind of like that new car smell... totally addicting. :) They are just such a blank slate, an open book.

So when the Juicy Bomb blog issued a challenge to create a complete look for an avatar, it seemed a perfect excuse to create another new avi! After all, was clear back in February that I created Quinn (see blog post here), and I was getting itchy fingers to have another go.

So, this evening Iolanthe (guess I've got Gilbert and Sullivan on the brain!) was born. I decided I wasn't going to use items from Fab Free HQ or most of my other regular haunts, but try instead to go to places off my beaten track. Every item shown was added to Iolanthe's inventory the evening of 7-9-10

Many of the items came from the GSHunt, which is ending today, so if you see anything you like, better go grab it quick! The Pixeldolls shirt was also a very limited time freebie, and may already be gone by the time of this posting. Sorry for any disappointment.

Close-up of face

Items shown-

Shape- census- GSH prize (altered a bit)
Skin- Mynerva- Fashion is Love Hunt Prize ending 7-15, I think
Eyes- Umedama Holic- GSH prize
Lashes- Symphony Skins- freebie on dressing table
Hair- Truth- Jess- near entrance
AO- Long Awkward Pose- free to new avatars (both male and female available)
Top- Pixeldolls- Papillon- was free for the evening, may be gone now
Jeans- GHS prize
Shoes (not shown)- Duh!- GSH prize

Every item was absolutely free. I did cheat a little, and use the same Jess hair that I did for Quinn. I always find good hair to be the most challenging to find for free, even over skins. Besides, it is a cute style! :)

Here's another, more vintage look...

Skin- Imabee- GHS prize
Eyes- Poetic Colors- GHS prize
Hair- Ingenue- Myrna (free at Savoir Hair)
Dress & Hat- Purple Moon- Josephine (group anniversary gift- free to join)

Pictures taken at MOOC's photo studio

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mischief No More.... Waaahhhh! *sniffle*

Ok... I see it has been a month since my last post. Things have gotten busy at work, and I've been dragging myself home most evenings just to go brain dead by watching something on Hulu. Such are the joys of working in the tourism business! Everyone else goes on vacation, while you work your butt off making sure they have a wonderful and relaxing time. lol

Also, for a while there, there just weren't any offerings that I felt so in love with that I wanted to blog. With the coming of summer to the northern half of the world, it seemed like it was bikini this and tankini that! Not to say there weren't, and aren't, some wonderful offerings in swimsuit world (there are!)... they just don't excite me enough to take time to write about them.

But, with today's temperatures here rendering it too warm for my poor computer to let me go in-world, I figured it was time to bring you some good news and some bad news.

First, the bad news... one of my favorite stores is going to be closing its doors. Mischief will disappear sometime soon, though just how soon has not been specified. Owner Janie Marlowe is reinventing herself, and is working on a new project which will be revealed soon, but the Mischief line of clothes will be going away. :(

Now the good news is, that until Janie closes Mischief's doors for good, she is having an amazing sale! Single items are $L50 or $L100 for the greedy packs, while full outfits and dresses are $L90 individually or get the greedy packs at $L180! I spent more hours and lindens than I care to admit browsing the shelves of Mischief... trying to decide what items I couldn't live without and those that I could. lol Basically, I just wanted to buy pretty much the whole shop!

Here is a small sampling of items that were deemed "must haves"!

This cute midriff shirt is called Clara Belle, and is available as a greedy pack of assorted colors or individually.

An elegant full outfit titled Past Life Pirate.

This outfit shows a combination of the Sweet Shrug with Day Trip.

Another combination of Mischief items... Up Down Skirt with the Tart Halter, both are available in greedy packs, and in the case of the skirt, available singly.

This pretty little sweater dress is called Tom's Girl, available singly or as a greedy pack. I love the playfully sophisticated touch that the scarf adds to the ensemble. A bit retro, but fully modern...

The sweet and sexy Annabelle is available singly in three different colors or as a greedy pack. The clothing comes in different layers, so that you can wear it with or without the flowered underskirt and top.

The aptly named Lil Skin dress is available as a greedy pack of mouth watering colors.

And last, but hardly least, one of my all-time favorite wardrobe items... Lucie. This dress I've actually had for sometime, but I wanted to show it because it is the dress that started my love affair with Mischief. It also seems to be a guy magnet! I tend to get more propositions when I wear this than anything else in my extensive wardrobe. Now that might be a good or a bad thing, depending on your mood and/or point of view! ;)

I told you I bought out the store! hehe... Actually, I didn't show everything I got! In addition to Mischief's in-world sale, there is also an ongoing sale of older Mischief items on XLstreet which I blogged earlier here.

I also blogged a bit on Mischief once before here. I believe the Rock Me, Roll Me outfit is still available if you join the Mischief sub-o group at the store, along with the March group gift... though I didn't confirm this, I was in too much of a hurry to get to the racks and spend my linden!

For a non-Mischief related moment, a close-up of Bubbles Clawtooth's amazing new release "Twinkle Toast". It isn't free ($L275 for a color pack), but it is so pretty and touchable looking, I just had to show it off! Color shown is Red-Eye Flight in the Exquisite Reds Pack.

The eyes I am wearing in this close-up are Poetic Colors gift in the GSH (Good Sh** Hunt) going on right now. If you haven't done this hunt, get on it! It isn't very long (40-ish stores), nor are most of the hunt items (soda bottles) fiendishly hidden, and the majority of the prizes are wonderful! The color is called Summer Wheat. I am also wearing Sunny Glade in most of the other photos, which are free to avatars 30 days or younger.

The skin worn in the close-up photo is the Dahlia Skin in the Potpourri make-up, and it is the current group gift from Cupcakes. While the skin itself is free, there is a one-time joining fee of $L100 for the Cupcakes group, but it is worth it! The skins are high quality, and given out monthly. The skin was still in the group notices as of this evening, but will disappear soon! So if you want it, go get it now!

The skin worn in all but the last photo is Pussycat Pale by Mango, Mango! It was the Humpday Happiness offering a couple of weeks back. Mango, Mango's mainstore seems to have moved from the Badblood sim... I'm still trying to locate it, contenting myself with their satellite stores until then.

Follow up on Mango, Mango... I just got a note card today about the main store being in the process of a rebuild. It should be back up soon, but in the meanwhile, if you get a craving for Mango, the satellite stores will be the place to go. ;)

All photos were taken at the MOOC's public photographic studio.